Bike Choice - What Exactly to Look For

Popular methods of transport have altered in recent times. Cars have long been the most likely mode of transport in developed countries, however bikes are beginning to rise in popularity. This could be because down to the prices of gas and running a car, or perhaps people are deciding to care more for the planet. No matter what has caused it, the fact is there are now more cyclists on the road than in a long while. Perhaps you have been giving some thought to getting a bike yourself? If you have then there are several things you should look at when you do.

Fashion really does affect the choice you make when purchasing a new bike. The color we like best, or the style we like least, all influence our choices. Your new bike should reflect your favorites. Obviously, the style and fashion elements of the bicycle should not be your top priority (unless the bicycle is just for show). Excellent safety and comfort should be the first criteria met by your new bike. When you’ve assembled some bikes that are both comfortable and safe, then look to see which you like the looks of better.

If you intend to get a road bike then take 9" away from your total inseam. The size of the tires a road bike uses are the reason for this. Road bikes are meant for city cycling—the tires are thinner and work best on concrete paving. For a mountain bike take away 12 inches from your inseam. This is because the tires of a mountain bike are different than those on a road bike. Mountain bike tires are thicker than road bike tires, designed for rocky terrain. You can always use a mountain bike for city cycling, although this is not how they are best used.

Which angle you tilt your seat at is also an important factor. The seat is designed to be tilted any way you want it to. You might find that a perfectly flat seat is a little uncomfortable and that you prefer to lean forward a little bit. Find the position that will be most comfortable to you, and stick with it. You may find that if you leave the seat in the flat position, the narrow part of the seat will not allow you to comfortably bend forward.

When purchasing a bicycle, you have tons to consider. From how safe the bicycle is to what it looks like, there are lots of choices to make. It’s perfectly normal for you to feel a little Discover More overwhelmed and perhaps a little perplexed when starting out. By investing a bit of your time to look at your preferences you will make the best decision.

Do this research before you go shopping. The peace it will offer during shopping makes it very worthwhile.

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